

An exquisite fruit


The mango is native to India. There are more than 2,500 varieties that come in an array of colours. After the banana, it is the most frequently consumed fruit in the world. When ripe, its orange flesh is tender and juicy and may be sweet or tart. Its flavour and texture evoke apricots and pineapples. When ripe, it can be eaten plain or in fruit salads. When soft, it is ideal for ice cream, sorbets and coulis. When green, it can be thinly sliced and grilled to accompany meat and fish.

A mango has an average vitamin C level of 100 g, so it has high antioxidant potential. It is also a source of copper, necessary for the formation of haemoglobin. Lastly, its vitamin A content is one of the highest for a fruit (10 mg per 100 g). This star vitamin plays a role in the growth of bones and teeth, protects against infections, preserves the skin and promotes good eyesight.
